Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Special Moments Photography

Once your friends and family realize you know how to use a camera, they often give you an "opportunity" to document their special moments.  The opportunity may not be one you desire, but even when it isn't, it lends you--as a photographer--a chance to use your skills to share something important.  Recently, we had just such a special moment in my family--one that was an unusual experience for Americans.

My mother came from a very small village in Southern Germany.  Many of our cousins still live in the area.  We don't see them as often as we would like,  so when the first of my younger cousins announced his upcoming marriage, my sister and I were delighted and decided to attend.  Imagine my excitement at having a chance to photograph a Bavarian country wedding!  Understanding different cultures and ceremonies and capturing your experience through photography is thrilling and enriching.

 In Germany, as in many other places, there are actually two wedding ceremonies. The church service we were to attend was to be the second wedding ceremony for the happy couple.  About a week earlier, they had been officially married in a civil service.

The day of the church wedding started about ten o'clock in the morning for the guests.  For the bride, groom, and the immediate families, it began much earlier with formal wedding photographs.  When my sister and I arrived at the home of the bride's parents, the wedding soup was being served.  The wedding soup is a clear, delicious broth with small, white, sausage meatballs.   Pretzels (the big bread ones) are also served with more white sausages and Champagne.  (Traditionally in this section of Germany, white sausage is served only before noon.) This was a time for all of the guests and family to gather together to share the joy and anticipation of the day.  

After about an hour, the group--including the bride and groom--assembled in the street to follow a brass band to the church.  (A band isn't a normal part of the ceremony, but since the groom had been a member of the band for a number of years, playing was their way of honoring him.)  As we entered the church, we were amazed at the beauty and artwork within. Members of the family had created decorations especially for the wedding celebration.  Almost six hundred roses had been used in the various arrangements.

At the end of the religious ceremony, the newlyweds left the church to be greeted by children who were former students of  the bride.  The children sang a song and then formed an arch with more roses that were eventually presented to the bride and groom.  While guests greeted the couple and their families in the official receiving line, the brass band played again. At last, the entire wedding party of over two hundred people adjourned to a wedding hall that had been hired for the evening.

The happy couple greeted their guests, thanked their families, and invited everyone to share cake and coffee.  The cakes in this part of Germany are magnificent--beautiful, tasty, and offered in amazing variety.  Once everyone had enjoyed sampling the wedding cake or one of the other confections, the guests went for a walk in the park. It appeared that everyone had a camera, and all the cameras were in continuous use.

Following dinner in the same hall, the band began to play waltzes and polkas--as well as more modern dance pieces.   The party lasted until almost two o'clock in the morning when the band played a march and the guests formed an arch to frame the couple as they left.

As one of the guests, I wasn't responsible for the official wedding photography.  However, as a part of the groom's family and a professional photographer, I was encouraged to shoot all  I wished.  One  professional still photographer and one videographer labored diligently on the official photography from the earliest part of the day to the very end--without assistants!   I've always admired wedding photographers, because they work so hard.  They assume responsibility for recording of some of the most precious moments a couple have.  Theirs is a big burden, and they have to dispatch it with great energy and creativity.  

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